Margaret Shaw - Artwork - My Blog

Margaret Shaw

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© Margaret Shaw 2024

Margaret Shaw Artwork

Florida Flowers

Visited a few parks. Some fabulous flowers in bloom.

April 22nd 2024

Still unwell.

April 17th 2024

Art in the Hills - July. Nice to see my name on the poster.

April 14th 2024

Lovely first night in Florida. Since then we have been poorly with persistent virus. Normal play will be resumed when we are both better.

April 13th 2024

An Arty Easter

It’s become an arty Easter.  Today I’ve refreshed my work in the EVAN gallery changeover for the EVAN Spring open starting on the 5th April.  Here’s what’s going in from me - originals, prints and cards to compliment.

March 29th 2024

Easter Exhibition

Hung the Brough and Stainmore Art Group Easter Exhibition today. It’s looking good. Here’s the hung items and prints I’m showing.

March 28th 2024

Early Summer - Wild Boar

I took a photo of Wild Boar fell some time ago when the fields in front of the fell were brightly lit.  It’s been in my painting pile for some time and seemed to fit the idea I’ve been toying with for a poster like painting.  Have to say I am quite pleased with this and now pondering more in this style.
Added to my Landscape Gallery.
Prints available.

March 25th 2024

Shaps Sunshine

Shap Abbey and surrounding countryside looked wonderful in todays sunshine.

March 24th 2024

Busy in the Upper Eden Visitor Centre

Hardly a moment to myself in the visitor centre today. Lots of people here on holiday with lots of questions. I’ve added a few new bookmarks to my stock and topped up the rest.

March 23rd 2024

This weeks arty activity.

Completed a drawing for the upcoming pencil workshop to show and enable practical application of the workshop techniques. This is my interpretation from an exercise I found in one of my reference books “ Art of Drawing Landscapes" by Sterling Publishing Company, New York. 

Started a painting of the first sloe blossom photographed this year.  I’ve played about with it in photoshop and like the effects I created there.  Sometimes wonder if I should simply print my photoshop creations?  As it stands pastel and pastel pencil on paper. 

Have put acrylic paint to canvas of a painting that has been bubbling in my mind for some time to create a painting in a poster style ( blocks of colour ) from one of my photos.  Couple of tweaks needed to the middle of the picture.  A debate in my head currently about continuing in my intended format or changing to my normal style as I like where this is going.

March 22nd 2024

Spring into the Upper Eden Visitor Centre

Had an enjoyable busy day in the Upper Eden Visitor Center yesterday.  In between answering visitors questions and making sales ( every purchase helps to keep the place open ), did a little refresh of some work – moving towards a more spring like display. 

March 17th 2024


Been quite busy over the last few days printing, labelling and mounting. Some nearing the end of their limited editions and other first timers. All ready for the 2024 art fair season.

March 16th 2024

Yesterdays short meander was:

A wander down Bollam Lane where the elf cups were showing their shapes and colours on the stone walls.  I think people find me taking close up photos of walls quite amusing.

Along the river where the lichen on the trees was quite lovely.  Taking close up of what appears to be twigs must have people wondering.

Into Stenkrith where daffodils were bobbing their bright heads. 

Walking along the newly laid footpath meaning I came home less muddy than usual.

March 12th 2024

Through the Beach Stack

From a visit to New Aberdour Beach in Aberdeenshire. I was enchanted and fascinated by this beach stack. Added to my landscape gallery. Print and Card available. View the Work in Progress from here.

March 10th 2024

One Pencil Workshop

This weeks arty activity has been writing a “one pencil workshop” to be delivered at the Warcop art exhibition at the start of May.  In the session delegates will learn to create a tonal range, shade & blend, make marks, lift graphite and produce 3d images – all only using one hb pencil.  There will be other H – B pencils available if required and a suggested follow up of my on line tutorials.

March 3rd 2024

Gamelands Stone Circle

My friend introduced me to Gamelands Stone Circle yesterday.  Not a photo sort of day but did get a sunlit landscape as we headed back to the car. 

As today has been sunny popped back for some more shots. 

Only found one stone with markings. 

A local landscape to go on the to be painted list?

February 25th 2024